Catalog : Above Ground Closed Top Tanks : Commercial Grade Vertical Tanks : Product Detail
Commercial Grade Vertical Tanks
Part No. 40070
US Gallons 1100
Dimensions 87"D x 53"H
Fittings 16" & 2"
USD Price $ 1349.00
Weight 210 lbs
Ships from Various Plants
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These tanks are designed for the storage of water or less aggressive chemicals.
The rotational molding process allows for a one-piece, seamless tank that is rugged and impact resistant.

Handy Conversions

1 IMP. = 1.2 US Gallons
1 US Gallon = 0.833 IMP Gallons
1 IMP Gallon = 4.546 Litres
1 US Gallon = 3.785 Litres
1 Litre = 0.22 IMP Gallons
1 Cu. FT = 6.23 IMP Gallons
1 Cu. FT = 7.48 US Gallons

  • Tank Wrap/Packaging is included

  • This tank is designed to handle contents that have a maximum specific gravity of 1.5 @ 73°F.
    Tanks rated to hold liquids up to 1.9 S.G. are available and can be quoted on request.

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